InnoJin’s core statement


To help develop and implement "person-friendly" health care
using information and communication technology.


Through combining our experience and outreach in academia,
healthcare industry, regulatory entities, and society,
our mission is to truly bring to clinical pracitce a "person-friendly"
medicine that can best tailored each patient's strengths and preferences.


Always challenging the norms and embracing being different to advance the future
Incorporating new and diverse values by welcoming people from all backgrounds and culture
Putting humanity and people at the forefront, even in the midst of rapidly advancing field of digital technology


InnoJin was founded with a vision and mission to keep humanity and “each person” at the forefront of medicine, recognizing that, at times, the focus on humanity gets lost in the midst of ever-growing field of digital technology and medicine. InnoJin Inc. started in December of 2020 as a start-up company with venture-backing from Juntendo University.

Our name “InnoJin” is comprised of two components. “Inno” represents our focus on innovation and Jin () represents our dedication to empathy and compassion. Also implied in the name is a reminder to stay adventurous and to continue challenging the norms, pushing the boundaries of medicine as innovators of the field.

In the current post-pandemic era where the global population had to bear the burden of a wide-spread devastating illness, its unexpected side effects, and unannounced adaptations, we expect to see a progressive increase in medical need and demand for an approachable, day-to-day health care platform for the global patientpublic population.

Digital health using principles of mobile health (mHealth) has been gaining interest from the health care field due to its potential as a centerpiece in creating a paradigm shift away from the traditional facility-based medicine to a day-to-day longitudinal health care. mHealth is uniquely well-suited for patients’ self-education on their own disease processes, as well as for promoting and guiding self-management. At InnoJin, we are expanding the implementation of mHealth through developing easy-to-visualize images and figures to help patients better understand their own risk factors. In addition, we are seeking to use mHealth technology to promote positive lifestyle / behavior changes that can help prevent disease onset and progression. 

Our ultimate goal is to develop and establish a sustainable healthcare ecosystem that can provide personalized / preventive / predictive care using health and lifestyle data collected through mHealth platforms. In addition, for this mission, we seek to standardize the currently irregular field of mHealth and create a globally adoptable mHealth infrastructure that can enable data sharing between different health care entities to help propagate our vision for a “person-first” health care in the Society 5.0 era driven by digital medicine.

Takenori Inomata
